Module / Browser

Marqua • Data Authoring Framework

0.6.1 Changelog


This is the browser module to hydrate and give interactivity to your HTML.

import type { ActionReturn } from 'svelte/action'; export function hydrate(node: HTMLElement, key: any): ActionReturn;

The hydrate function can be used to make the rendered code blocks from your markdown interactive, some of which are

  • toggle code line numbers
  • copy block to clipboard

Usage using SvelteKit would simply be

<script> import { hydrate } from 'marqua/browser'; import { navigating } from '$app/stores'; </script> <main use:hydrate={$navigating}> <!-- content here --> </main>

Passing in the navigating store into the key parameter is used to trigger the update inside hydrate function and re-hydrate the DOM when the page changes but is not remounted.